Trey & Garrett are Partners! & Welcome to new Teammate Andrea

Fall 2024
Delighted and proud to announce that Trey Gevers, CFP and Garrett Grigas, CFA, CFP are now both partners, as well as being financial advisors, at Gevers Wealth Management, LLC! Our lovely wives joined the three of us for a special dinner where we signed the official paperwork and celebrated the new ownership structure.
This is wonderful news on so many fronts. Most importantly for our clients, it ensures the longevity of our advisory relationship for all of you, with a team that is smart, trustworthy (and younger and better looking than me!) and that is committed to your financial success.
For Trey and Garrett, it is a reward for their years of excellent service and diligent work, and offers them an exciting future of growth and opportunities. We have been enjoying robust growth over the last several years – a warm thank you for the many referrals you all have trusted us with!
We hope to continue that growth.
The three of us have been spending a lot of time and energy mapping out the future of our firm, and how we can further improve our services, planning and technology to best help our dear clients. The firm’s twenty-year anniversary is next year, and our goal and hope is that the next twenty years will be full of success and prosperity for our clients, and allow us to continue to expand to help even more people.
There is an old business proverb about working with people that are smarter and more talented than you are. Trey and Garrett are all of that, as well as being men of the highest integrity. I could not be more proud of them, and it is an ongoing pleasure for me to work with these two great guys.
Now that we are all joint owners of the firm, I have been focusing more of my professional time on business planning, new clients, advanced wealth planning, and teaching. I recently taught a series of webinars on trust and capital gains tax planning for real estate, and still very much enjoy teaching on wealth management principles!
Garrett and Trey have taken a bigger role in serving our clients by taking most of the regular review meetings. This allows me to spend more time on some of the aspects of wealth management that I really enjoy: reading, writing, and learning more about tax, retirement, and investment planning strategies that might improve our clients' financial lives.
We have an amazing team here, they are smart, hardworking, good people, and they care deeply about our clients’ well-being.
And talking about our team…
Welcome Andrea Resutek!

Andrea with husband Jim, and son Roman.
We have also added a new teammate, Andrea Resutek joins us as our operations director and client service associate, and will start working with us in October. Andrea has a great deal of experience in the finance world including stints with other wealth management firms and most recently with Moss Adams. She and her family live locally and she is devoted to her family, an avid outdoors enthusiast and active in her church and community. We had been interviewing extensively, including some outstanding candidates, and unanimously agreed that Andrea had the best mix of expertise and experience, focus on client satisfaction, and winning personality of all the people we interviewed. We are excited to welcome her to the team!
Warm Regards,
William R. Gevers CPWA®
Financial Advisor/President
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Copyright 2024 William R. Gevers. All rights reserved.
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Gevers Wealth Management, LLC
5825 221st Place SE, Suite 102
Issaquah, WA 98027
Office: 425.902.4840
Fax: 425.902.4841